Edgar Allan


The Sphinx

Die Sphinx

Übersetzt von Gisela Etzel
Synchronisation und Ergänzungen © Doppeltext 2022




Dur­ing the dread reign of the Chol­era in New-York, I had ac­cep­ted the in­vit­a­tion of a re­l­at­ive
to spend a fort­night with him in the re­tire­ment of his cot­tage orné on the banks of the Hud­son.
We had here around us all the or­din­ary means of sum­mer amuse­ment;
and what with ram­bling in the woods, sketch­ing, boat­ing, fish­ing, bathing, mu­sic and books, we should have passed the time pleas­antly enough,
but for the fear­ful in­tel­li­gence which reached us every morn­ing from the pop­u­lous city.
Not a day elapsed which did not bring us news of the de­cease of some ac­quaint­ance.
Then, as the fatal­ity in­creased, we learned to ex­pect daily the loss of some friend.
At length we trembled at the ap­proach of every mes­sen­ger. The very air from the South seemed to us redol­ent with death.
That palsy­ing thought, in­deed, took en­tire pos­ses­sion of my soul. I could neither speak, think, nor dream of any­thing else.
My host was of a less ex­cit­able tem­pera­ment, and, al­though greatly de­pressed in spir­its, ex­er­ted him­self to sus­tain my own.
His richly philo­soph­ic­al in­tel­lect was not at any time af­fected by un­real­it­ies.
To the sub­stances of ter­ror he was suf­fi­ciently alive, but of its shad­ows he had no ap­pre­hen­sion.
His en­deavors to arouse me from the con­di­tion of ab­nor­mal gloom into which I had fallen,
were frus­trated in great meas­ure, by cer­tain volumes which I had found in his lib­rary.
These were of a char­ac­ter to force into ger­min­a­tion whatever seeds of hered­it­ary su­per­sti­tion lay lat­ent in my bos­om.
I had been read­ing these books without his know­ledge,
and thus he was of­ten at a loss to ac­count for the for­cible im­pres­sions which had been made upon my fancy.

Edgar Allan Poe
The Sphinx / Die Sphinx
Zweisprachige Ausgabe
Übersetzt von Gisela Etzel

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